Overcoming Post-Holiday Blues

By Audra Balcarcel MA, LPC
Post-Holiday Blues, a common phenomenon, refers to a temporary period after the holiday season where people experience feelings that include, but are not limited to, low mood, fatigue, sadness, and distress. The holidays are often a time where people experience a wide range of intense emotions, from happiness and joy to stress, exhaustion, and grief. In addition to experiencing intense emotions, we are also faced with a disruption in our regular routine. Considering these factors, it’s understandable why so many of us feel down or “blue” after the holidays. Adjusting back to “normal” life can be challenging and overwhelming, but there are ways to make the transition easier.
Ways to cope and manage Post-Holiday Blues:
1. Show yourself compassion: holidays can be a stressful time, whether that is positive stress, negative stress, or both- it’s still stress, which takes a toll on our minds and bodies. Try to reserve judgement about yourself as you transition back to your normal life by approaching your emotions with curiosity- what am I feeling and why? How can I help it?
2. Get back into your routine slowly: often our routines are disrupted during the holidays so begin taking small steps to transition back into your daily schedule like getting regular sleep, moving your body, and engaging in self-care. Set up small, realistic goals then work your way to bigger goals
3. Reach out to others: it’s common for us to isolate after the holidays, but that may not always be good for our mental and emotional health. If you are feeling lonely, try to connect with your loved ones- even a quick check in can make a big difference.
4. Decompress: engage in stress management activities to reduce your overall stress such as trying meditation, deep breathing exercises, and exercising.
If you notice a pattern of experiencing Post-Holiday Blues try to take proactive steps to manage and regulate your health during and after the holidays. Please note: Post-Holiday Blues is short term, not detrimental, and specific to the post holiday period. If your symptoms persist, increase in severity, or do not improve please consult a mental health professional to receive additional support.